Reading & Writing Process

Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
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Khan Academy CCSS Lesson Links
Standard 3.G.1
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Identify quadrilaterals - Identify squares, rectangles, and rhombuses.
Standard 3.G.1
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Categorize quadrilaterals - Classify and compare rectangles, rhombuses, and squares.
Standard 3.G.2
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Identify unit fractions - Identify unit fractions when given a visual or a context.
Standard 3.G.2
Common Core Area - Geometry
Skill - Cut shapes into equal parts - Practice telling if a shape has been divided into equal parts.
Standard 3.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Telling time on the number line - Match time of a number line to time on an analog or digital clock. Graph a given time on a number line.
Standard 3.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Time word problems with number line - Use a number line to solving time word problems.
Standard 3.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Tell time to the nearest minute - Practice telling time using analog clocks. Some clocks do not have labels.
Standard 3.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Telling time word problems (within the hour) - Solve a word problem to find the duration of an event. Both analog or digital clocks are included.
Standard 3.MD.1
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Time differences (within the hour) - Practice finding the difference between times given on two analog clocks. Each time difference is less than 60 minutes, and the hour hand stays on the same hour.
Standard 3.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Word problems with mass - Solve word problems involving mass. Estimate the mass of items.
Standard 3.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Estimate mass (grams and kilograms) - Practice estimating the mass of real life objects using grams and kilograms.
Standard 3.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Estimate volume (milliliters and liters) - Practice estimating the volume of real life objects using milliliters and liters.
Standard 3.MD.2
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Word problems with volume - Solve word problems involving volume. Estimate the volume of items.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Read picture graphs - Use picture graphs to solve word problems.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Read bar graphs and solve 2 step problems - Read and interpret a double bar graphs.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Read bar graphs and solve 1-step problems - Interpret bar graphs to answer questions about a context.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Create bar graphs - Create a bar graph with the data given.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Read picture graphs (multi-step problems) - Interpret picture graphs to answer questions about a context.
Standard 3.MD.3
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Create picture graphs (picture more than 1) - Create and interpret picture graphs.
Standard 3.MD.4
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Graph data on line plots - Record measurements on line plots (also called dot plots).
Standard 3.MD.4
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Read line plots (data with fractions) - Practice reading and interpreting data that is graphed on line plots. The data graphed includes fractions.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find area by counting unit squares - Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Understanding area - Compare the amount of unit squares that cover figures.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Understanding area - Compare the amount of unit squares that cover figures.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Understanding area - Compare the amount of unit squares that cover figures.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find area by counting unit squares - Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them.
Standard 3.MD.5
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find area by counting unit squares - Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them.
Standard 3.MD.6
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find area by counting unit squares - Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them.
Standard 3.MD.6
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Create rectangles with a given area - Practice finding the area of rectangles by counting unit square. Create rectangles with a given area by covering unit squares.
Standard 3.MD.6
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find area with partial unit squares - Count unit squares and partial unit squares to find the area of shapes.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area of rectangles - Find area of rectangles and squares by multiplying side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 2 - Practice decomposing irregular shapes to find their area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find area - Practice measuring the side-lengths of a rectangle to find its area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare areas by multiplying - Compare the areas of rectangles represented in images or contexts.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area of rectangles - Find area of rectangles and squares by multiplying side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 2 - Practice decomposing irregular shapes to find their area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area and the distributive property - Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Transition from unit squares to area formula - Find area of rectangles by multiplying side-lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find area - Practice measuring the side-lengths of a rectangle to find its area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area and the distributive property - Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given area - Practice finding a missing side length on a rectangle when given the other side length and the area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given area - Practice finding a missing side length on a rectangle when given the other side length and the area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find area - Practice measuring the side-lengths of a rectangle to find its area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare areas by multiplying - Compare the areas of rectangles represented in images or contexts.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given area - Practice finding a missing side length on a rectangle when given the other side length and the area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area and the distributive property - Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area of rectangles - Find area of rectangles and squares by multiplying side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find area - Practice measuring the side-lengths of a rectangle to find its area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare areas by multiplying - Compare the areas of rectangles represented in images or contexts.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 2 - Practice decomposing irregular shapes to find their area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find area - Practice measuring the side-lengths of a rectangle to find its area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare areas by multiplying - Compare the areas of rectangles represented in images or contexts.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area and the distributive property - Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given area - Practice finding a missing side length on a rectangle when given the other side length and the area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 2 - Practice decomposing irregular shapes to find their area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 1 - Practice decomposing figures into rectangles to find area. Some figures are on grids.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area of rectangles - Find area of rectangles and squares by multiplying side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Transition from unit squares to area formula - Find area of rectangles by multiplying side-lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 1 - Practice decomposing figures into rectangles to find area. Some figures are on grids.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Transition from unit squares to area formula - Find area of rectangles by multiplying side-lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare areas by multiplying - Compare the areas of rectangles represented in images or contexts.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 1 - Practice decomposing figures into rectangles to find area. Some figures are on grids.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area and the distributive property - Use area models to represent the distributive property in finding area of rectangles.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Transition from unit squares to area formula - Find area of rectangles by multiplying side-lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 1 - Practice decomposing figures into rectangles to find area. Some figures are on grids.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given area - Practice finding a missing side length on a rectangle when given the other side length and the area.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 1 - Practice decomposing figures into rectangles to find area. Some figures are on grids.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Area of rectangles - Find area of rectangles and squares by multiplying side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Transition from unit squares to area formula - Find area of rectangles by multiplying side-lengths.
Standard 3.MD.7
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Decompose figures to find area 2 - Practice decomposing irregular shapes to find their area.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find perimeter by counting unit squares - Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle from its side lengths.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Measure to find perimeter - Practice measuring side lengths to find perimeter.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find perimeter when given side lengths - Find perimeter of figures when given an image or context.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Perimeter word problems - Practice solving real world word problems involving perimeter.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Find a missing side length when given perimeter - Find a missing side length for a figure when given the perimeter.
Standard 3.MD.8
Common Core Area - Measurement and Data
Skill - Compare area and perimeter - Compare the areas and perimeters of rectangles when given a context or picture.
Standard 3.NBT.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Round to nearest 10 or 100 - Practice rounding to the nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred.
Standard 3.NBT.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Rounding challenge - Give your brain a workout with these challenge problems on rounding.
Standard 3.NBT.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Round to nearest 10 or 100 on the number line - Practice rounding to the nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred on the number line.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Break apart 3-digit addition problems - Practice breaking apart big addition problems using place value. For example, 234+567 is the same as 200+500+30+60+4+7.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add within 1000 - Practice adding three-digit numbers. All sums are 1000 or less.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Subtract within 1000 - Subtract with 2 numbers less than 1000.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Estimate to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers - Use estimation to find a reasonable solution to multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. Numbers are less than or equal to 1000.
Standard 3.NBT.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Add using groups of 10 and 100 - Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers.
Standard 3.NBT.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Multiply by tens - Multiply a 1-digit number by a multiple of 10.
Standard 3.NBT.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations in Base Ten
Skill - Multiply by tens word problems - Solve word problems with multiples of ten. Â Decompose multiples of ten to multiply.
Standard 3.NF.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Identify unit fractions - Identify unit fractions when given a visual or a context.
Standard 3.NF.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Identify numerators and denominators - Practice identifying numerators and denominators in fractions.
Standard 3.NF.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Recognize fractions - Identify the fraction of a whole that is shaded. Fractions are less than 1.
Standard 3.NF.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Recognize fractions greater than 1 - Identify the fraction of a whole that is shaded. Fractions are greater than or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.1
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Cut shapes into equal parts - Practice telling if a shape has been divided into equal parts.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Find 1 on the number line - Locate 1 on a number line labeled with 0 and a unit fraction.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Unit fractions on the number line - Use unit fractions to think about the location of other fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Fractions on the number line - Plot and spot fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Find 1 on the number line - Locate 1 on a number line labeled with 0 and a unit fraction.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Fractions on the number line - Plot and spot fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Find 1 on the number line - Locate 1 on a number line labeled with 0 and a unit fraction.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Fractions on the number line - Plot and spot fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Unit fractions on the number line - Use unit fractions to think about the location of other fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.2
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Unit fractions on the number line - Use unit fractions to think about the location of other fractions on the number line.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fractions on the number line - Graph and identify equivalent fractions on a number line.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Write fractions as whole numbers - Represent fractions as whole numbers and whole numbers as fractions.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Visually compare fractions 1 - Practice comparing fractions with the help of visuals aides.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fraction models - Identify and create equivalent fractions using visual models.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same denominator - Compare two fractions that have the same denominator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Write fractions as whole numbers - Represent fractions as whole numbers and whole numbers as fractions.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator - Compare two fractions that have the same numerator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator - Compare two fractions that have either the same numerator or denominator.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator - Compare two fractions that have the same numerator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same denominator - Compare two fractions that have the same denominator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fractions on the number line - Graph and identify equivalent fractions on a number line.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fraction models - Identify and create equivalent fractions using visual models.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Write fractions as whole numbers - Represent fractions as whole numbers and whole numbers as fractions.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator - Compare two fractions that have the same numerator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions of different wholes - Compare two fractions based on the whole that each one refers to.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fractions on the number line - Graph and identify equivalent fractions on a number line.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same denominator - Compare two fractions that have the same denominator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Write fractions as whole numbers - Represent fractions as whole numbers and whole numbers as fractions.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator - Compare two fractions that have either the same numerator or denominator.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Visually compare fractions 1 - Practice comparing fractions with the help of visuals aides.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fraction models - Identify and create equivalent fractions using visual models.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator - Compare two fractions that have the same numerator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions of different wholes - Compare two fractions based on the whole that each one refers to.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator - Compare two fractions that have the same numerator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Visually compare fractions 1 - Practice comparing fractions with the help of visuals aides.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same denominator - Compare two fractions that have the same denominator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fractions on the number line - Graph and identify equivalent fractions on a number line.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator - Compare two fractions that have either the same numerator or denominator.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Visually compare fractions 1 - Practice comparing fractions with the help of visuals aides.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Write fractions as whole numbers - Represent fractions as whole numbers and whole numbers as fractions.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions of different wholes - Compare two fractions based on the whole that each one refers to.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Visually compare fractions 1 - Practice comparing fractions with the help of visuals aides.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator - Compare two fractions that have either the same numerator or denominator.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fraction models - Identify and create equivalent fractions using visual models.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same denominator - Compare two fractions that have the same denominator using greater and less than symbols.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions of different wholes - Compare two fractions based on the whole that each one refers to.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Relate fractions to 1 - Determine whether fractions are greater than, less than, or equal to one.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator - Compare two fractions that have either the same numerator or denominator.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Compare fractions of different wholes - Compare two fractions based on the whole that each one refers to.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fraction models - Identify and create equivalent fractions using visual models.
Standard 3.NF.3
Common Core Area - Number and Operations: Fractions
Skill - Equivalent fractions on the number line - Graph and identify equivalent fractions on a number line.
Standard 3.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply with arrays - Practice multiplying 1-digit numbers using arrays.
Standard 3.OA.1
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Meaning of multiplication - Practice representing multiplication as equal groups, repeated addition, or arrays.
Standard 3.OA.2
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide with visuals - Practice basic division using various visuals, such as arrays.
Standard 3.OA.2
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Meaning of division - Use visual models to understand division.
Standard 3.OA.3
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Relate division to multiplication word problems - Find both the multiplication and division equation that can be used to solve a word problem.
Standard 3.OA.3
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiplication and division word problems (within 100) - Solve word problems involving multiplication and division. Solutions will be less than or equal to 100.
Standard 3.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Find missing factors (1-digit multiplication) - Find missing factors in 1-digit multiplication problems. Products are less than or equal to 100.
Standard 3.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Basic multiplication - Multiply two 1-digit numbers. Some problems include multiplying by 10.
Standard 3.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Letters and symbols in multiplication and division equations - Practice solving for unknown letters and symbols in equations.
Standard 3.OA.4
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Find missing divisors and dividends (1-digit division) - Find missing divisors and dividends in 1-digit division problems. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Associative property of multiplication - Practice changing the grouping of factors in multiplication problems and see how it affects the product.
Standard 3.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Commutative property of multiplication - Practice changing the order of factors in a multiplication problem and see how it affects the product.
Standard 3.OA.5
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Distributive property of multiplication - Practice decomposing the factors in multiplication problems and see how it affects the product.
Standard 3.OA.6
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Relate division to multiplication word problems - Find both the multiplication and division equation that can be used to solve a word problem.
Standard 3.OA.6
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Relate division to multiplication - See the relationship between multiplication and division problems.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 5 - Divide by 5. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 4 - Divide by 4. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 5 - Multiply 5 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Basic multiplication - Multiply two 1-digit numbers. Some problems include multiplying by 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Find missing divisors and dividends (1-digit division) - Find missing divisors and dividends in 1-digit division problems. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Relate repeated addition to multiplication - Practice transitioning from repeated addition to multiplication. Understand that '5+5+5' is the same as '3 fives' or '3x5'.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 3 - Divide by 3. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 8 - Multiply 8 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Whole numbers on the number line - Practice skip counting to find a number on a number line with only two tick marks labeled.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 6 - Multiply 6 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 2 - Multiply 2 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 1 - Divide by 1. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 6 - Divide by 6. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 10 - Divide by 10. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 2 - Divide by 2. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 3 - Multiply 3 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Basic division - Divide two numbers. Â Quotients are equal to or less than 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 4 - Multiply 4 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 8 - Divide by 8. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 9 - Divide by 9. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 7 - Multiply 7 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 9 - Multiply 9 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Multiply by 0 or 1 - Multiply 0 or 1 times a number less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Divide by 7 - Divide by 7. Quotients are less than or equal to 10.
Standard 3.OA.7
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Find missing factors (1-digit multiplication) - Find missing factors in 1-digit multiplication problems. Products are less than or equal to 100.
Standard 3.OA.8
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - 2-step estimation word problems - Use estimation to solve two-step word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Standard 3.OA.8
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - 2-step word problems - Solve two-step word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Some questions include estimation. Â
Standard 3.OA.8
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Represent 2-step word problems with equations - Represent two-step word problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Equations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Standard 3.OA.9
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Patterns with even and odd - Use an understanding of even and odd numbers to figure out number patterns.
Standard 3.OA.9
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Math patterns 1 - Identify arithmetic patterns (including ones in the addition or multiplication tables), and explain them using properties of operations.
Standard 3.OA.9
Common Core Area - Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Skill - Patterns in multiplication tables - Practice discovering and explaining patterns in multiplication tables.